Strong. Genuine.

Our products.

Our products. Here one can taste the fruits of the earth. Ripened under the rays of the Pannonian sun. Processed in Burgenland. Crowned with the Gurken Prinz Crown. Bon appetit!



Chilli Peppers & Paprika


Pickled Specialities

Latest News
from the Princes’ Realm

Kochen und Tafeln


Mehrmals im Jahr wandelt sich der Veranstaltungsraum des Gurkenprinzen in eine Bühne voller Genuss. Mit der Veranstaltungsreihe „Kochen und Tafeln im Reich des Prinzen“ wird südburgenländischen Genussbetrieben eine neue Möglichkeit geboten, sich auch außerhalb ihres Betriebes zu präsentieren und regionale und typische Spezialitäten des Hauses, einmal anders vorzustellen, nämlich beim…



Laufend werden Kochworkshops mit regionalen Spitzenköchen organisiert. Die Teilnehmerzahl ist auf maximal 20 Personen beschränkt. Sie sind interessiert? Bitte geben Sie uns Ihren Kontakt bekannt. Wir informieren Sie, sobald der nächste Workshop feststeht. Infos unter Tel. 03326/52355,

The Story
of the Gurkenprinz

The Gurkenprinz spent many years searching for paradise. He dreamed of a land where the sun would vigorously warm the soil and awaken the zest for life in humankind. Where the rain would bring about lush greenery so that crops would enjoy the very best of nurture.

When his journey finally led him to Burgenland, he knew immediately: this was his destination. Sun and clouds nodded and magically created a rainbow. Then the Gurkenprinz went to work. The chilli peppers peered curiously out of their house of leaves in the soil, the red, pungent ones giggling with particular cheekiness. The Gurkenprinz picked them carefully, just like the little gherkins that were growing so briskly as if they were competing with each other.

He filled the little treasures into jars and sealed them with pretty lids. Before doing so, the Gurkenprinz added natural ingredients, which he himself had gathered from the herb garden and which he had carefully marinated in order to bestow the unmistakable flavour on the exquisite fruits. Full of pride, the Gurkenprinz contemplated the jars containing the subtly savoury and fierily spicy delicacies. Each one a greeting from paradise.

From the Region.
For the Whole of Austria!

Südobst Stegersbach is the company behind the Gurkenprinz brand, a company that has been deeply rooted in the region for decades. It has always been a specialist in the production of fine pickled vegetable delicacies, which today thanks to our distribution partners are available throughout Austria and beyond. Behind the success are many years of cooperation and friendly relationships with regional farmers.