Die Auswahl meiner Salat-Palette ist stark von der österreichischen Küche aus der Zeit der Monarchie geprägt. Ich habe die Grundidee unserer Region aufgegriffen, nämlich im Herbst die Salate zu ernten und zu pasteurisieren, um im Winter einen feinen Gruß aus der warmen Jahreszeit genießen zu können. Die Vitamine und Inhaltsstoffe der Rohprodukte bleiben durch schonende Pasteurisierungszeiten und geringe maschinelle Belastung weitgehend erhalten. Gute Nachrichten für echte Genießer!

Asparagus Salad
Asparagus Salad
Behold, the noble white asparagus: we process it extremely gently in order to preserve its original crispness. A mild white wine-vinegar broth with a little sugar and salt enhances the natural flavours. Perfect as finger food and fantastic in ham roulettes or served on cold platters!
Glass size: 370 ml
Origin: Northern Burgenland

Beetle Bean Salad
Beetle Bean Salad
The beetle bean (also known as Styrian scarlet runner bean). Their delicately creamy consistency and a subtly nutty flavour make them a favourite far beyond the borders of Styria. I soak the beans in lukewarm water until they swell, then I cook them and fill them into jars. An excellent source of protein and fibre!
Glass size: 370 ml

Giant Bean Salad
Giant Bean Salad
Giant beans have a tender, mealy inner core and a slight chestnut flavour. I place these special beans into a mild marinade and round this composition off with pepper strips and onions.
Glass size: 720 ml

Red Beet Salad
Red Beet Salad
The red beets with their crimson red coloured pulp come from the Weinviertel region. Caraway seeds with their tangy, spicy flavour and horseradish root with its unique intense pungency lend this salad its very special note.
Glass sizes: 720 ml and 1700 ml

Puszta Salad
Puszta Salad
As the main ingredient I here use white cabbage from Lower Austria which is finely shredded at our premises. The raw cabbage is joined by red peppers from Burgenland and sliced gherkins. I place this vegetable mixture in a sweet and sour marinade and gently pasteurise this Puszta salad.
Glass sizes: 720 ml and 1700 ml